[War] Signups for Z vs S Start now!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IMeganAmAlwaysDrunk, Aug 21, 2014.

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  1. because a friend of mine can't sign himself up but wants to. i dunno if allowed, but:

    survivors side
  2. Obi-JuanKenobi
      1.9mcs  
     Survivors 
  3. Hello stitch, good thing I got unbanned before your war starts! I'll see if i'll be able to join your war event.
  4. Kaneme <3
    Been a while
    Couldn't find you
  5. :twisted: Blah.
  6. Mr_TerryDinoSlore
    (About) 1.6mcs
  7. Any side... 2.8mcs +
  8. CanISlytherinBedWithYou
    About 2mcs
    I'll fill in any side needed c:
  9. OFH-Redbone
    I want to be on itchy side
  10. Castiel
    Zombs, if they're not full.
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