War Sign Up for March 28th

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DUH-EnergizerBunny, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. -A Cannon Sounds Off In The Distance-

    In the first few hours of war we already lost two ? they couldn't handle it
  2. 1.7Mcs
    No RS.
  3. War is still open to those who would like to join.
  4. Wheres all the scuds that cry about there not being enough wars?
  5. The company is trash
  6. There was one but she quit after less than an hour and went back to her CC
  7. Because there was definitely no reason for it
  8. Shhhh, just keep pinning that facepalm bar ?
  9. Ouch. You're excused, emo.
  10. </3 bb pls
  11. Except for crystal ?
  12. ? da company is not trash. You is da trash, homie. Ya know what I'm sayin?
  13. And Jax. He's the shizz
  14. And Jax 