[WAR] Operation Orange: The Great Campus War

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. ? Are they stopped?
  3. I was full most of today. Still am. Cat parties got your clubs attention. FOCUS.
  4. [​IMG]
  5. Finally war yess
  6. Volley me to 1T I'm 1mcs
  7. How come i haven't received dart guns
  8. Foam darts dont drop now is it? Unlike before,win or lose,you get darts.
  9. where my darts
  10. well , i hope you start new war after this one finished, it was fun and a good break from parties
  11. The dart guns didn't drop from either war yesterday. Many of us sent an email with SS of this and got really idiotic responses back your employees. Mine said that it's just a "probability of getting drops in a PARTY". Maybe you all should actually know how your game works. Anyway hope you rectify this and give the drops to everyone who participated
  12. Yes he is right I got no dart guns or drops whatsoever please fix this as I spent quite a bit of time waiting for The wars then participating in them.
  13.  got the drops finally
  14. Same thing happened to me last week. i didnt eceive any prize when I was on the winning side.
  15. Same thing happened to me last week. i didnt receive any prize when I was on the winning side.
  16. Farmed4 a reason- if you're referring to me, I'm a female. I spent the last year with the holiday bf as my avi and getting called bro, finally get a good female war avi and I'm still called a guy?
  17. If that meant getting drops in a party wtf happened in my newsfeed.
    One minute Fake Art 101 is complete the next I got some darts even though I didn't go to war.
  18. Did you do either war yesterday jiggy? It's drops from those wars. If not, guess you got lucky. If from war though, you only got 210 and that's pretty pathetic. That's only 14 hits the whole war. Way to help you side out
  19. I got my drops yesterday!And wow 14 hits Nah I stay on till the war is over 
  20. We can't leave the club in war until we. Didn't recieve rewards??
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