[WAR] Operation Orange: The Great Campus War

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. Still haven't update on the timing even after I emailed you and you said you will do something? Lmfao. Please don't lie if you're not gonna do anything.
  2. Cheetos Color
  3. [​IMG]
    News and Updates
    August 8th -
    Don't forget! Roobix Cubes and Trans-Amdroid VHS tapes will be dropping for this weekends wars!
  4. Yesssssss^ :twisted:
  5. Is the war the 8th or the 9th?
  6. Its on sunday, the 10th.
  7. Oh, lol. Thank you️?

  8. what will be the time for sign up in SGT.. :geek:

  9. 2am... Can't you see the picture please?
  10. Why aren't there any 'pm' time for sgt?
  11. Somebody indo please give me some tips for the next campus war tommorow night please
  12. PIMD when are you gonna change the SGT timing? You said you will change it in the email you sent back, but you still haven't?
  13. Pimd this is gonna be big tomorrow. If they drop at the same rate as the gun things, then this will be our saving grace, but if the drop rates aren't good at all, then it's all over for us. So I think I can speak for all of us here and say that the drops need to be pretty high for any chance for some of us. And even that might be too little too late..
  14. This is a great chance to get some good cash aye
  15. ️ yay, finally a legendary war with more gifts thanks ata and pimd (c)
  16. How many cubes will the wars be dropping?
  17. Matt I hope you're right lol
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