[WAR] Operation Orange: The Great Campus War

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. I want to join
  2. ._. I thought signing up starts 2AM SGT. Thinking match up starts at 3AM, I woke up to sign ip right now...

    Only to see that war is at 3AM and sign up was at 1AM-2AM. ._.
  3. ★ sign up started here just now 
  4. Yeah... The timetable is fake xD
  5. Pimd i have a question
  6. the point is to get people to hunt for them why make them purchase able. Just like the items you can't purchase, you have to I don't know... Play the game to earn them. I think this is great
  7. ^ we need more people like you. :cool:
  8. From Philippines here. missed Round 1. What time is round 2? im confused with the time table. i think its off 1hr. or not.

    thanks for answers. oTL
  9. How do we leave our war club?
  10. ?The Mighty Heros
  11. Need a better way to determine who is admin cause some Ppl just can't be leader!
  12. All I got were the tiara, the gloves
  13. So u can kick ppl now if u are admin?  heard somebody kicked inactives
  14. Someone might have asked this and maybe an answer has been given. So, sorry in advance. But is there a chance the inactives in war can receive the avatars?
  15. If you can kick inactives then never mind my question 
  16. Yea where are my guns
    I won my war
  17. Got an avatar! Celebrating by finally going to sleep :)
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