[WAR] Operation Orange: The Great Campus War

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. Yes the timings SUCK for Asians.......
  2. Yeah... It need to blow.. Too much suck for us.
  3. Ey , 2nd war?? ^-^
  4. I clearly dont understand the chart =.= it should be the sign ups now right??
  5. Where is the Sign ups????? !!!! I’ve been waiting ova here
  6. Sunday. (Monday for Asian)
  7. Kinda hope they don't put avatars in store afterwards then basically you can just wait then buy without doing anything
  8. ^ please, no
  9. Any person get it will called as Indi Warrior :D
  10. Lucky me I work graveyard shift. Not much to do so I can def war :lol:
  11. Pimd you should make a leaderboard here on forums for who has the most dart guns
  12. I didn't read through the entire thread so it may have been asked already, but could the stats on the avi's improve (LOVE them btw). To be more war friendly? Compared to the other Avi's we've had the chance to win these are pretty skimped on the stats, not to mention, they're rare so one would think the stats would be better?

    By that I mean strength heavy (as opposed to intel heavy or balanced as they are now).
  13. But to be fair, there's intell built who join war
  14. Also for people who have my build heavy on ether side doesn't help

  15. why not just make it saturday-sunday war,pimd? just curious :|
  16. Anyways 44 chance to get one
  17. Sat-Sunday would be cooler but I'll war at 4am
  18. ^ good for you man, I have school :cry:
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