[WAR] Life's a Beach...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by pinwheel, Jul 10, 2015.

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  1. Well this went south fast and I see it's getting no where now. DJ and Hooty keep up the good work I had a blast last war. To all the haters on the war feel free to leave a link on my wall I'd love to know more . Vote for Pedro!!!
  2. Eh just allow everyone in. Regardless if there is drama or not. Drama is already here on the thread. If you're not gonna ban everyone as a whole, no point in banning select few,miso might as well let everyone war.
  3. Am in boys team lets go (but currently getting hit)

  4. Side note. this gif is sick
  5. Your group is a bunch of trolls that is the difference we hit yall if yall join wars feel free to return the hits…
  6. Ouch
  7. My rs/alt

    2mcs beach bods

    Thats my bday btw
  8. The only hits I got was from Justin on boops acc.
  9. Look y'all sfw is not the topic of this thread. Go away XD
  10. Why not just let everyone war. :| this is dumb.
  11. I swore it was Dj's & Hooty's war not Faye's..I'm confused why is she even making rules? :lol:

  12. Cream for Mod
  15. Lmao you're even more clueless then i thought
  16. Hi. Here with the popcorn.
  17. I'll leave when op gets fed up with comments.
  18. Faye is in our war planning GC anything she says does come for us as well we just get to busy to post it
  19. I'll be 1mcs by then so add me in
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