[War] Let's Get Physical

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-DJ, Feb 16, 2016.

  1. 13mcs
    Either side
  2. Either side, 10 mcs
  3. 11.6mcs
    Any side
  4. Undercover 17mcs
  5. 12.8 mcs .. Either side 
  6. 14mcs
    Dj side
  7. Vendetta 16.5mcs opposite side of him please :lol: ^
  8. 13.7mcs
    DJs side
  9. 11.59 Mcs.
    Any side, where the fun is, :lol:.
  10. 11.1mcs, either side.
  11. Think I'll pass.
  12. Im About 9.5mcs & dj side please
  13. 15mcs whichever side ?
  14. Sorry it's really hard for even a 5mcs much less someone smaller to withstand many of these new builds
  15. TheCrash 10.99mcs
    Either side
  16. 10.4mcs team hooty 
  17. 20.4mcs
    Any side
  18. It should be renamed
    Crossfit vs Real Lifting 