[War]League of Disasters

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IHateFeet, May 10, 2016.

  1. You may upgrade until the roster is locked. Then it will balanced and updated. I don't have a definite day on locking it but expect the middle of next week.
  2. Team Earthquake 
  3. plzz sign up in form
  4. team earthquake all da wayyyy? bumppppp
  5. #team thunderstorm ???️️
  6. Only problem with suggesting a 6 or 12 hour war, is that it's usually scheduled on US time. Which is all well and good if you live in the US. At least in a 24hr war all time zones get a chance to make their plunder etc.
    The Zodiac wars, when postponed were awful for some of us, they started on Mother's Day and finished on Monday for my RS and I and that made it hard to participate properly.
    Just gotta remember it's a worldwide game and not just the US like it. :p
  7. :( I wanna join.
  8. No list of team members yet? 
  9. should be ready next week!
  10. Team Thunderstorm.... 

  11. bumpppppp
  12. Is it a locked roster war?
  13. ?I'm in. Team hurricane if possible please?
  14. ?I'm in. 11mcs. Team hurricane if possible please ?
  15. ???sorry for the double post. I forgot to add my stats
  16. dont post sign up