War-King? Moar like Partay-King

Discussion in 'Wars' started by l0l-Kelon-l0l, Nov 20, 2013.

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  1. They're only jealous!
  2. Nobody would be butthurt, and tron expect hits from me at a later date. I'll give you a long war 
  3. Tron ill 1v1 you
  4. Agree...to what I don't know....I'm lost come find me....lol...where and who am I?
  5. Party king is more suitable
  6.  why are you goings going after OP? Like a dude going after boobs.
  7. go home spit your drunk.:roll:
  8. fuck it ill 1 v1 him
  9. And i wasnt referring to op
  10. Zach ?can I smack op please ?
  11. -TheKillerDebateTeam-New Club 50kcs⇧ unlocking partysParty and War clubPerms and mercs needed

    We war weekends and party weekdays

    Just spearing the word
  12. Shadow you have 0 history's of war so don't say you war every week ?
  13. Brandon (if that's your name) :lol: who are you referring to? :shock:
  14. Yes that is my name and was talking about good ol war-king
  15. FOX REMEMBER: YOUR opponent may have more tutors, BIGGERRR STATS, better TB, more PIMD MONEY, more doctor notes, and extra credits, and they believe they can kick ass. LET THAT PERSON BELIEVE THAT!!! YOU HAVE NOOB-POWER by YOUR SIDE - it is your greatest most valuable weapon in your darkest HOUR, use it wisely.

  16. :shock: you have not changed i see ?
  17.  yesterday I challenged a BC to war and he called me a keyboard warrior ️ didn't think he would get all offended about it. But I did say I could destroy him lol ️
  18.  spit
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