
Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-DJ, Sep 13, 2015.

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  1. LCBC, death eaters side.
  2. Tweak_The_Badly_Influenced
    12Kcs or so
  3. Not even sure if I should sign up or not >.>
  4. I rly gud at war
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  5. Forums is in he doesn't match stats but I'll be a advertiser
  6. slave ?? cool a racist remark !!! btw why using the alt to say such comments why not say it out lud from your main ;)
  7. I want to sign up for the war.i will be more than 1 mcs by 22nd september.
  8. if he doesn't meet stat requirements, then he isn't in.
  9. Lol I was laughing at you because you failed and because I love making fun of you ? Right after my cousin fell in love with you. Can I come to the wedding?  good times

    Anyway, signing up. 4mcs, Doesn't matter which side.

    @admins Pm me to let me know whether or not I can participate this time. Thanks.
  10. Lcbc hootys Side ?
  11. Sav I miss you bb ?
  12. idc what's side 6.45mcs
  13. Please stop this. If they want to think that their hits are being effective and we really care let them. I just want this to be signups
  14. Says the one using an alt, and I'm actually not an alt so cry.
  15. Me me me pick me me me

  17. Team hooty
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