[WAR] Grrrrrr vs Flocceh

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Floccinaucinihilipilification, Feb 24, 2016.

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  1. 11.8mcs floc side ?
  2. 6mcs egh I forgot meh stats and flocceh side
  3. 12 mcs grrrrrr
  4. 9.22mcs any side
  5. I'm recruiting too as well as my team. I know I have a bunch that have not signed up on the forums yet and some who won't, so its not AS BAD as some think. The war will go on and it will be good. Let's have fun and not make this a drama issue. This is straight up a friendly war so let's keep it that way.
  6. This war was planned in our club chat. It is absolutely a friendly war. Nobody should imply differently. Thank you, KiKi for pointing that out :)
  7. Amish yew guys. :(
  8. Flocc you'll let me in coz you adore me right haha
  9. Hunt started so I'm not coming #partyfairy4life
  10. #support ??
  11. I was wondering how many would drop out because of hunt lol
  12. 16mcs for flocc's side 
  13. Getting close and getting excited....I still have a bit more room if you want in let me know!
  14. Party noobs smh
  15. Y'all pm me or I'll forget ? Then again, I was reminded last war and forgot so ?
  16. War starts tomorrow!
  17. Awwww Art, then come visit :)
  18. I would like to join. I don't care what side. ? and my stats are 15.4 mcs
  19. 20mcs grrrrr side
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