{War} Freddy Vs. Jason

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Mandi270, Sep 15, 2014.

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  1. Jason side* forgot that part
  2. What day of the week is it on?
  3. Never mind. Cool. I can make it, just remind me otherwise I'll forget to join.

    Whichever side the cool kids are on
  4. October 11 probably around 9am EST. That's a Saturday.
  5. Awesome. I'm EST.
  6. If the time of the war is around this time I could make it 
  7. Wolf, it's 24 hrs so we'll need people for your time zone too. Just join when you can. :)
  8. Sign me up
    Freddy 
  9. ? make it 69 days long and im in
  10. ? signing up , team Freddy ?
  11. Jason's side 
  12. Sign me up im gonna ug
  13. Sign me up Team Jason!!!
  14. Freddy side! ️️️️️
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