{War} Freddy vs Jason Roster

Discussion in 'Wars' started by pinwheel, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. the tl-_-l one?
  2. sign me up for team freddy ??
  3. How come I was not notified of this warIf there is a war between Freddy and Jason shouldn't Freddy have a personal invite?
  4. no cause he sucks
  6. Freddy all day everyday (AMI)
  7. sorry, freddy. no one received special invitations lol, sign ups were open for a few weeks before we closed it.
  8. It's open merc, right?

    When's the war again?
  9. october 11th, justin. 24hrs.

    yes, but we're trying to keep it as balanced as possible
  10. /*friendly reminders*/

    + if you can't make this war, please wall or pm me and let me know ahead of time

    + if you changed your usernames, please wall or pm me your old username so i can keep the roster up-to-date

    + if you have any comments/inquiries, please feel free to ask. hope to see you all there 
  11. Neither would win BECUASE they are both immortal
  12. Let's go Team Jason
  13. wow admins are war pro !!! i bet u guys will run this war and it will be 100 vs 100 war all will show up and participate
  14. @ecs, we're not promising a 100 vs 100 or guranteed them all showing up. this is why we have a back-up list as clearly stated a few pages before, for that specific reason: no shows. i don't need or want your pessimistic annoyance on my thread. thank you and have a nice day.
  15. @anya, it feels like forever to go ?