[WAR] Battle of the Sexes

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Ryan, Feb 18, 2018.

  1. Sign me up  20mcs , Guy side
  2. 34mcs female
  3. How do you balance gender based teams?
  4. It’s probably passed the 50 men and 50 women limit tbh
  5. Stat update, she's 26mcs now :)
  6. This is sorta sexist ?
  7. might even be 100v100 Teams
  8. Sexism: prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.

    I don’t think there’s any discrimination or prejudice happening here. It’s just Men vs Women. Now if someone were to say that the Men are going to win because women are weak and fragile, that would be sexist
  9. Jokes on you, not only was I joking, but I was going to say that
  10. 30mcs, male
  11. I’m intending on including as many participants as I can while still being able to balance the teams. :)
  12. By using the stats of the players on both sides to ensure a fair war.
  13. 42.9mcs. Female
  14. -toretto- 52mcs f
    eiza 40mcs f
  15. I am up for the war 24mcs here
  16. 61mcs, F ?
  17. I want to join the war
  18. Just to informed i've cned ? previous ign was ‘nokbjbjjb’  still wanna participate.. Tq
  19. April 6&7 war 38 M