War Against Pax

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DarthMaul, Jan 26, 2015.

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  1. Bring some Jtk nubs if they're interested :D
  2. I'm game.
  3. I saw that but what's the point of warring with clubs if it's just you, cholo kinda seems a tad bit unfair to you don't ya think??
  4. It won't be just him.. He is just holding the club
  5. When pax posts the time wall mee
  6. Aha OK I see now lol
  7. I'll be there choll
  8. I'll try and be there...
  9. There is no try ?
    Only do
  10. I'll try, okay. I was asleep for half of the other war.?
  11. Big cholo. Bring all 4 of your accs. ?
  12. ? crystal you better come. I'm hoping 3 mods join this time
  13. Is hard since all have diff regains 
  14. No.. ? I kick ass. Ul then sp for 4 hours. I beat bad this morning
  15. Bring your biggest one. It'll be weird to war with you
  16. Other cholo's joining this time.? With his many alts.?

    He has 2 LCBC's and others that are stronger than me. ;-;
  17. when is it how many hours? Cause I have to sleep early today
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