War Against Ascension

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DarthMaul, Jan 26, 2015.

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  1. Cholo I challenge you to war. You accept like a woman or you decline like a female dog.
  2. I'm thankful Amy made a thread for war and you guys accepted

    Thank you amy and A fam for getting us a war

    thanks cholo for accepting our challange the war has been fun so far :)
  3. Well I guess the admins are gonna need quick fingers. I ain't taking no for a answer.

    x Ascension
    Next: Pax. Hear that Nolan? Calling your club out next
  4. It took me freaking 6 declares for y'all to finally accept me ?
  5. Upgrade. ;)

    Special thanks to Mandi. She was the first to step up. Much respect Mandi
  6. 
  7. You was declaring for a 24 hour war we asked for a 4 hour war. Most of us are on usa time

    either way we challenged about 10 clubs and you stepped up. I'm happy to finally get a good fun war :)

    and if amy didn't make a thread calling everyone out we wouldn't have this war now. Kudos to her
  8. Cholo: Why don't you downgrade. Unless your scared. You know what, I'm going after your club mates.
  10. Why would he/she downgrade?
    you spend time and energy gaining your stats (cept ccbc) why would you throw that away?
  11. Silly noob ... Feel like i should ground you or put u in timeout. 
  12. ;) gimme a day and I'll have my alt ready. I lost my last 5 baby alts

    ? why does everyone assume ima chick? Ya know fuck it. Me and ivy are lesbians.

    Thank you to the A FAM. Nice war even tho y'all kicked our asses
  13. Or you could always...you know...upgrade
  14. You can't tell someone to upgrade if you're not willing to downgrade. Reason why people grow is because they're scared to war me. I'm unbeatable.

  15. Your funny . You're all talk but no game.

  16. Bc and ill 1v1 u for reset ! My promise
  17. By that logic you cant tell someone to downgrade if you arent willing to upgrade
  18. I'm willing to upgrade if there willing to downgrade. It's for the cause of war.
  19. Cholo I've never clicked your profile to see your avi and I know nothing about you to know if your girl or boy... but now I know

    this is a great war I'm glad we had the chance to war on such short notice :)
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