[War] 20th Birthday Battle (Rosters)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Muschi, Jun 10, 2019.

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  1. Jokes on you, I am the teacher
  2. :?:
  3. So are we declaring rn no one will hit smol bb sloth  cuz I won’t love u anymore if u hit me 
  4. Nice! Good luck.
  5. I will hit you if you are in my 'bucket' since idk u
  6. Take it easy on me, k? I'm fragile. ☹
  7. Can I stay after class for extra credit? ?
  8. Same tbh
  9. Tbh I think I'm just gonna get hit by Lyssa since me and Vo are the only ones who would fit in her bucket and they're probs not gonna hit each other :c this war is not in my favour.
  10. Me on my way to beat up my rs
  11. I shall pray for thee.
  12. Bold of you to assume there is extra credit?
  13. I told my RS to sign up hoping for the same thing ? But we’re on the same team rip.
  14. I can hit everyone I love whenever I feel like it but ty for putting most of them on team one so I can use the war as an excuse. :3

    Team 2 has 2/3 of the Tea Gang so, like, team 1 may as well give up now

    Also, let's name our teams.
  15. Oh yea idc if y’all do... I was talking about the ppl Ik and it was a joke js...
  16. Yes to names. Bday girl should name us.
  17. what you think will happen
    what will rly happen
  19. you wanna fix that :eek:
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