[VOTE] Pizza Avatar Voting is now closed

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, May 16, 2014.

  1. When do we get the new avatar?
  2. Soooo what about another guy one that is similar bc i deff wont use that one lmfao
  3. Then don't use the avatarATA is not forcing you to use the female avatar

    I, on the other hand, if the female avatars stats are great then I'll be using that instead of the original avatars from the hunt?
  4. Is there a set date on which we will receive this avatar?
  5. I wanted the violin girl
  6. When are we getting the ava?
  7. when do we get it and is tht fer guys to 
  8. I still like the violin girl though.  But congrats to whoever made that. :)
  9. Y'all are stupid if you think the avatars are free we spent time and a lot spend money on cats for cat parties to finish the Hun so no there not free. We earned them. Free= Done nothing to get it. Earned= worked your ass off to get it. Which is what most if us did. So no it's not free. I love pimd and Ata for doing all this for us but I don't like the sexist crap with the avatar.
  10. Violin girl... I will buy for it.
  11. Yea i'd buy the violin girl too 
  12. US GIRLS GOT STUCK WITH A GEEKY LOOKING MALE HALLOWEEN AVATAR!!! Yes i agree ATA should of learned from last time should of picked top 10 female n top 10 male avatars would of been the best decision BUT REMEMBER US GIRLS HAD TO GO THROUGH THIS DURING HALLOWEEN WHILE U BOYS GOT YOUR GENDER AVATAR & US GIRLS DINT!
  13. ? The current Pizza Avatars look horrible..
  14. Why so much hate… who actually cares whether the avi is male or female…

    Just a load of fuss over very little
  15. congrats snail snail?
  16. @I_-LEGEND-_I Firstly, "Sexist crap", mhmm I hear you, ATA are really sexist, giving us the opportunity to design an avatar either male, female or neutral and then vote on our favourite. That is not what being sexist is at all. The females just happened to win, guys could have easily won if they'd bothered voting. It would have been sexist if they'd outwardly discriminated against either gender, for example saying only female avatars could be designed, but did that do that? Nope. So maybe get your definitions right before starting a post calling others stupid.

    Also "worked their ass off", not really, I completed the hunt with hardly putting in any effort at all, it was an incredibly easy hunt, I didn't buy any cats during the hunt, as well as my club not performing any cat parties either. It was perfectly within ata's right to take into account the lack of effort needed and supply avatars not quite up to the usual standard. Just be grateful they also took into account the complaints and gave another opportunity for another avatar.

    And no I am not saying this just because I am female, if males had won, while yes I would have been disappointed because I wouldn't be getting another avatar, but I would have also understood as this hunt was much easier than previous ones and therefore I wouldn't have really thought there was any point complaining as the original prizes were fair and square.