CONTEST [VOTE NOW] Avatar Contest Top 10

Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATAMarceline, Feb 21, 2018.

  1. Yeah, your avatars was much better... oh wait, you didn’t make one.
  2. Did that really need a double quote?
  3. Kitten pls.

    why must you do this? :(
  4. Maybe.
  5. <3
  6. :( why the hell
  7. Ugh in love with kittens.
  8. that heart felt begrudging, im offended :(
  9. Can you both arpee in pm and not here? :roll:
  10. IKR. I tried but Marcie was like, "No they need to suffer like real artists!"
  11. i formally invite marcie to fight me
  12. We’re not real artists so we don’t need to suffer?And I’ll go on strike; no more corny jokes?
  13. I just found out i got in the top ten! Lol thanks ata and goodluck to everyone!
  14. Lies
  15. Congrats Top 10 ?
  16. Congratulations...
  17. Kitten should be offered a job at ATA.
  18. Dont make me laugh
  19. 9 more months in my program ;)