victim 10

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by X____DM____X, Mar 27, 2013.

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  1. Victim 13 V-ii_block_v-ii
  2. Once I find your main, you're fucked.
  3. The strip farm hasn't started yet 

    That was merely a taste. Now we have a few more, smaller alts. And thanks to you, we know your time now.

  4. What he said.
  5. Yup  we got you later 
  6. 
  7. And I have 10 doc notes on my alt.

    All for you 
  8. Victim 14 renev
  9. he's bull crapping.
  10. I don't see complains on his wall.
  11. He deletes and blocks
  12. He doesn't scam the person he says he gonna scam on here. That's more of a diversion, he just asks random people. That's what I'm thinking.
  13. You are doing well darkmicky
  14. You're overestimating his intelligence 
  15. Better then underestimating.
  16. The number one mistake he did was to brag about scamming people on pimd's forum. No one thought he was cool and so kick his ass. The end
  17. Victim 15 the_conceited_adam
  18. Victim 16 de-vin
  19. Actually.. I think volleying with DarkMicky would be an advantage. You just have to find someone awesome to hire off you. Or know somebody very generous. I'm lucky I know a few people.

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