victim 10

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by X____DM____X, Mar 27, 2013.

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  1. Downgraded my alt.

    Time to farm
  2. whos your alt nerdy
  3. I say we all attack at 7:00pm Est 
  4. Bump to keep the scanner awareness UP!
  5. Is he even still scamming? He hasn't posted in awhile.
  6. Well, someone posted a thread about this guy like yesterday, so yeah. Keep the awareness up.
  7. Dunno still hitting when I can!
  8. Ill get on my alt later , I have to transfer money so I can buy paintball guns to get through his pots 
  9. Why do you need to know Adriane?
  10. Morning peeps

    victim 12 sexy-ness
  11. Bumpity bump bump
  12. Interesting , so 2:30pm in Est time is his morning time . Better help to strike when he's asleep o_O
  13. He's dtw who pinned him?or did he pin himself
  14. I haven't hit for 3 hours , so most likely self pinned
  15. He's on at the moment.
  16. "Morning" at 11:38am my time.

     I was trying to figure out when he'd be asleep. Thanks!

    I'll be dropping my alt 75kcs just to strip farm you. You should feel special.
  17. Day 2 me vs the strippers looks like i am winning this war so far . . .
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