Veganism Q&A

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, Apr 27, 2019.

  1. My only question is could a vegan diet be healthy to children with low iron levels... Or just jumping into a vegan/vegetarian diet be healthy for overweight people and lastly would ot still healthy do an half/half vegetarian diet like 1 day of meat based meals and 1 day of veggie based meal back and forth throughout the week
  2. Depends how the parents feed the child w low iron levels. You can potato chips all day every day and call it "vegan." Just like a regular diet you have to moniter your vitamin and mineral intake. Same w the overweight ppl. Jumping into anything is a bad idea, do research on how to do it properly first. Watch vegan grocery hauls on ytube (cheaplazyvegan is one of my favourite youtubers for that), try vegan alternative things for ur fav meals, etc. For your "half/half" thing...that is just being an omnivore. The average person doesn’t eat meat at every meal. I don't think there would be any difference unless you or whoever is overconsuming animal products
  3. Americans as a whole generally overconsume meat products. We don't need that much protein in our diets. I'm not sure how it is in other countries.

    I think we're overall fine with dairy consumption in terms of eating the recommended amounts.
  4. How do you resist a thick juicy burger
  5. Re: Veganism Q

    How long have you been vegan and how do you stay motivated? I think you mentioned the age you were when you started but not the amount of time, unless I missed it. I watched earthlings and quit animal products cold turkey, and I stuck with it for about five years until I was like... this doesn’t make a difference to me anymore. Animals weren’t any better off for my choice and after a certain point I wasn’t able to convince myself that I what I was doing was in any way productive. And then it just became a matter of choosing between a) animals suffering and me having dry pizza and b) animals suffering and me having pizza with real cheese. Have you navigated similar processes?
  6. I've never liked burgers tbh
  7. If a vegetable is grown with the aid of manure as fertilizer is that vegetable unvegan?
  8. Re: Veganism Q

    Coming up on five years. I don't rly need to stay motivated. My taste buds have adjusted so i don't crave animal products and prior to veganism, I never liked meat or milk. I used to like fish products and cheese but now am not a fan. To me, it does make a difference. 15 years ago, vegans were a very fringe group that were just a bunch of weird hippies who didn't shower. Veganism has gotten so much bigger and more common, same w vegetarianism. It puts pressure on companies because ppl care more about what's happening w their food. When i first started tho sometimes i would it's okay to eat meat once in a while and then i remembered where it came from and eating it is basically condoning that behavior and treatment of animals, so.
  9. Potentially? If it has blood/bone/whatever in it from animals which happens. Farms that advertise themselves as completely vegan don't use animal manure but if a vegan buys their veg from the grocery store in the non-organics section there's no way to know for sure what fertilizer was used. I personally don’t think it's a big deal as long as companies that advertise themselves as vegan aren’t using it.
  10. I hope they don't use manure from animals that are pooping out blood and bones. That'd be concerning
  11. Blood and bone sometimes gets mixed in animal manure because of assumed nutritients
  12. Also organic vegetables are all grown in manure or eggshell stuffs. It's the only nonchemical fertilizer
  13. Manure is just poop...
  14. In the organics section is where vegan farms will usually have their products placed. I never claimed all organics were vegan. And manure does have blood and bone and other animal remnant in it typically.
  15. There is vegan compost tho. It's essentially made from carrot/potato peelings and other vegetable leftovers
  16. Re: Veganism Q

    I love meat no homo
  17. Re: Veganism Q

    I’m a vegetarian but cream makes me sick. I’ve been doing the meal kits recently and every now and then they send cream with a recipe. How can I substitute cream?
  18. Re: Veganism Q

    If it's unwhipped heavy cream, 3/4 of a cup of milk and 1/3 of a cup of butter or margarine is equivalent to 1 cup of unwhipped heavy cream. Idk of any substitutes for heavy cream that needs to be whipped, because the high fat content in heavy cream is what allows it to be whipped.
  19. Re: Veganism Q

    Coconut cream is a good alternative. You can get it at most grocery stores, it also comes in whipped cream cans and creamer bottles for coffee