Veganism Q&A

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, Apr 27, 2019.

  1. Hey I take B12 too! Dunno why, my doctor said most woman should.
  2. Did you know they have medicine that makes ladies lactate now? Like, you can adopt a baby and still breastfeed.

    How wierd is that?
  3. The stuff they put in you when you've been bitten by a snek to counteract the venom.
  4. What do you suggest we do with the animals we domesticated to need human assistance? Like cows need to be milked because we bred them to be in a permanent state of lactation. Sheep need to be sheered because we bred them to require it. Certain pig and goat species are bred to pack on the pounds for the slaughterhouse. I know you're against culling, so what should we do with the species we have domesticated to be so unnatural that they require human intervention just to survive?
  5. What if you have a lactation kink :/
    Isn't it then preferable to lactate permanrntly?
  6. To expand upon this, do Vegan's nurse their babies or do they only use the soy formula?
  7. It's one of the harder proteins for women to get a good amount of even for omnivores
  8. There's also ways to force yourself to lactate through massage although it takes weeks/months and doesn't work for everyone. Still not good in the longterm
  9. Cows need to be milked because they farmers don't wean them. They only start producing milk after they're inseminated w the räpe rack. If we slowly stopped milking them, they would stop lactating like all mammals.
  10. :roll:
  11. I begin liking almond milk cause OP introduced me to it. ?
  12. What about the other things I mentioned?
  13. I think they should be cared for until they die out in an animal sanctuary if it's genuinely impossible for them to live properly, which it likely isn't. One way of setting cows in the wild is putting them among animals who are in their comfort zone that they can learn from. Such as the calf who joined a herd of deer.
  14. ?
  15. We use flegg but there’s other things to be use to substitute the egg
  16. I am actually curious about this :(

    I had to buy soy formula for one of my babies, it was really expensive.

    Am curious if vegans would nurse or just go straight to soy formula?
  17. I think majority of them would probably nurse but I'm sure there's a faction that would prefer to use soy formula. Not entirely sure though, but I think most vegans I've seen that are vocal about that sort of thing are okay with infants using the milk of their own mother (as long as the mother doesn't have any diseases that could be passed through the breast milk and other general safety measures)

    It's just one of those things seen as "inherently natural" and no one is "ràping" women to force lactation to mass produce breast milk for infant consumption
  18. What machine? ?

    Is it machine that does arrificial insemination? I thought farmers had to get a syringe and shove their arm up the cow's *whistle* to do that.
  19. Most vegan mothers i've spoken to nurse. Babies need more vitamins than an adult would need tho so supplements are mandatory. Rather than eating all the supplements it's common for them to come in these little droplet containers and for the mom to put some of the liquid on her nipple so the baby gets it more directly
  20. I see you constantly saying that vegans have trouble getting certain nutrients and a lot need to take supplements, incl. Vitamin B-12 which is only naturally received from animal protein. Wouldn't all this necessitation for artificial forms of nutrition suggest that at least vegetarianism (because of B-12) is not natural for humans? Are there more humane avenues for humans to regularly consume meat that don't involve such a controversial system of mass production?