Veganism Q&A

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, Apr 27, 2019.

  1. What about when that fails too? Conservationists have tried it before and it just exacerbates the issue.
  2. This is one of those things where i feel like we should just let nature run it's course if it doesn't work. Humans interfere with everything and we just make it all worse imo. The best thing we could do would be to leave it alone. It's normal for species to to extinct over time
  3. Do you think any measures to assist preventing humans from introducing more invasive species would be beneficial? Even if you think current invasive species should perhaps be left alone
  4. Yes. Not just animals but plants, too. Dandelions have taken over canada and are a weed all because the silly Europeans thought they could just bring their flowers over here. I think species should be left in their home unless there is an approved by government reason for why it is okay to take it all the way across the world. They shouldn't even be importing pet dogs for ppl who insist on specific breeds imo
  5. Giant hogweed is a huge problem in the region I live in, and we need to call specialists to come get the plants removed because the sap(??) of it can cause 3rd degree burns. The flowers are kind of pretty, though.
  6. I have never heard of hogweed or getting burns from plants so i am curious now. Shall look this up
  7. Re: Veganism Q

    I could never stop eating meat but I do support vegetarians and vegans. But

    Also- I don't nessarily think your eating habits make you a better human- being a good person makes you a better human.
  8. I’m not considering going vegan/vegetarian atm, sorry ;( but I do have a question. I saw that you said you went vegan because you're against animal cruelty, and the industry isn't sustainable/environmentally-friendly. So if you did find a source or one of the “local and cruel-free” type sellers that truly did treat their animals well, would you consider eating meat and buying their products? Or no, because you simply don’t want animals being killed at all?
  9. how do you feel about alpaca shearing, are you against it? if so, why?

    i'm a vegetarian that doesn't eff with that dairy, and i hate sea food. but i don't replace other things with fake meat, i think that's dumb. i eat fruits, veggies, nuts and lagumes. but i am okay with alpaca shearing during the hot seasons and months because most places also pamper the animals they have, at least where i'm from.

    now that i think about it, they wouldn't need to be sheared if they weren't put in america by humans ?
    but i'm still okay with it since it's kind of nice for them to not overheat
  10. No, I wouldn't because it isn't sustainable for everyone. I also just don't like the taste of meat. I used to kind of like fish but after going without my taste buds changed and i don't anymore
  11. Re: Veganism Q

    I and a lot of other vegans don’t eat fake meat products.

    And ppl who choose veganism for the animals typically are empathetic than the average person imo, so i do think vegans generally make better people. There are "plant-based" people who follow a vegan diet but instead of doing it for animals they do it for weight loss or because some hippy told them it would give them a thigh gap or something. Those ppl are not necessarily better ppl because of their eating habits
  12. A lot of vegans will wear alpaca wool since it's more sustainable and easier to obtain than sheep wool from ethical sources. Personally i won't wear wool but I am not against vegans who do
  13. Most people do
  14. Someone might have already asked, but I'm skimming.

    How long have you been vegan? If you switched as an adult, did you struggle?

    Oh... and unrelated, but do you eat "fake" meats like the mock fish etc? Cause the one thing that confuses me is when vegans eat plant based that is meant to mimick the taste of meat. :lol: Though I see how that could be an easier way for people to adjust to the change!

    I was vegan for 5 months for health reasons. I had so much amazing food, cashew cheese is one of my favourites, and black bean brownies. Yum! It was hard for my family to adapt though... so, once my health levelled, back to omnivorous life. I have reduced my meat intake though!
  15. What vegan wears alpaca wool?? Vegans don’t wear any clothing deprived from animals. Plant eaters yes, vegans no.
  16. I think veganism is a wonderful thing and have decided to lessen my meat intake but not completely withdraw from it.

    I once watched this documentary about evolution of the human diet and and it's effects on the human body. Bottomline of that documentary was that many experts believe that if humans didn't decide to go from plants/greens to meat in the past then we wouldn't become intelligent/advanced species. If I remember correctly, meat caused our stomachs to become smaller but our brain to be bigger because it worked harder for food to digest (also our teeth changed lol). We can't change the fact that we are omnivores, which is the main reason why I'm not completely withdrawing from it besides other things, but we were also once herbivores. I know it's not just about meat but I just wanted to talk about that.

    So anyway, I think this is another problem of too much. Too much meat intake from everyone around the world caused imbalance on our resources then came the forced breeding and eventual massacre of hundreds of animals everyday by large corps/companies. Greed. Which is why I still believe Thanos was completely practical and I wouldn't mind the population cut in half (doesn't matter if that includes me) because real talk: overpopulation is our real problem.

    All jokes aside, what's your opinion on meat's big role on our evolution? I saw other experiments of people getting sick after going for an all-vegan diet but I believe that's only temporary or what?
  17. I became vegan around 19. I've never rly liked meat so it wasn't the hardest switch. I don't use fake vegan products typically. Most ppl who do just like the taste of meat ig but don't wanna hurt the animals. There's a thing in canada at least called super meat i think that is fake meat but apparently tastes just like the real thing and my carnivore coworker can't tell the difference, they are getting better w their replacement meat.
  18. there are people who identify as vegans who do. If someone does not contribute to the harming of animals i don't see the need for the gatekeeping. Same opinion on ppl who had leather boots or smthing prior to going vegan and then decided to keep wearing them since they already had them. I don’t like stigmatizing ppl who are doing everything they need to be in the vegan community
  19. For your herbivore comment, there's more research backing the idea we are largely frugivores rather than herbivores (herbivores have a very dif set of teeth, live off lettuce and have several stomachs and all sorts of other things. Frugivores have teeth that look like ours, consume primarily fruit, nuts and insects, typicallu only have one stomach etc. Is very interesting if you ever wanna look into it). As for the meat thing and our brains, humans are omnivores. In modern day, it is 100% possible to quit all animal products and be healthy because u can get vitamin b12 (a necessary vitamin that is only naturally found in animal products) in your almond milk and stuff like that. However i don’t think "meat" is the answer. Our digestive systems are able to handle fish and poultry. Dairy and red meat is horrible for us.