vegan food

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renamed10748, Apr 18, 2018.

  1. I know muslims who LOVE beef bacon. It's expensive as fūck, but they go out of their way to buy it because they miss pork bacon so much.

    I know Indians who use ground turkey a lot because they love hamburger based dishes so much.

    Please lecture them, obviously they are just fake muslims and fake Indians because they go out of their way to find substitutions for foods they cannot eat.

    You're perhaps one of the dumbest people I've ever encountered. The things you say are...just wow. I didnt know people could be so ignorant.

    And turkey bacon is shït, it should be illegal to call that crap bacon. It's disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Wouldn't even feed that shït to my dogs.
  2. You were coming at me a bit since 90% of the time I am a vegan (i'll eat non-vegan products if someone leaves it in my apartment since i don't like wasting food). And yes, reverts exist. They are not the muslim norm.
  3. Thanks for your opinion Julie. Sadly it will not be considered :)
  4. I know, that's what makes you so damn ignorant. Have fun living in your little fake world bubble.
  5. Ohh Hi Indian here @julie.
    Plz stop generalising?.
    I am not in any mood to create drama.
  6. Sorry if i came across as harsh, but people criticize veganism all the time and it's almost impossible to have a nice conversation sometimes, so my go to reaction is hostile
  7. Hi Indian, please don't consume ground turkey or pork. It's clearly a subscription for ground beef, the supreme ground meat. Aphrodite will lecture you if you even try it
  8. Ok well that’s your problem for taking my comment to heart.

    But you really cannot come at me about “taking my insecurities out” considering you pour everything onto forums as soon as you get drunk. Js ??‍♀️
  9. What makes even more fun is you wasted all that time ?
  10. With due respect
    I will eat whatever the fûckîng fúck I want to.
    You don't need to tell me what to do.
  11. @vash You go glen coco

    I hope you get the reference ❤️
  12. Ok. I still believe what you said was a bit ignorant tho. And ik I overshare but I defs don't pour everything out ?
  13. ;) Idc what you eat dude
  14. The 10 seconds it took me to type my comment?

    How many hours have you wasted in forums today?
  15. Just to clarify;

    I ain’t telling people what they should and shouldn’t eat. Idgaf

    Where I live (East London) being vegan is “on trend” so people will just say oh yeah I’m vegan to seem cool and hipster. Yet they’re constantly munching the alternatives. Which I find wrong.

    That’s why I dislike these vegan fried chicken and other fast food alternatives, because these “fakers” just abuse it to go “oh yeah I’m vegan snap for instagram”.
    When their intentions are not genuine.
    So when I look around all I see is these jokers which makes me laugh, so yeah I am a little prejudice.

    It sucks for actual vegans cause of this stigma of oh vegans are hipsters and they’re just doing it to be cool etc.
  16. Haven’t counted tbh maybe like 2 max. I haven’t been on for the past few days so I was catching up

    Been trying to buy this damn corgi bunny tbh on wc. Ain’t going well ?
  17. I'm turning you in to the police. It's against the law to be prejudice in the UK, and it's illegal for you to say mean things on the internet. Expect a visit soon from the police. #reported
  18. I kno what I'm leaving in your apartment then
  19. Horse meat?
  20. Imma chop and fry it up and feed it to my cat