Valentine's Weekend Events!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. Lol
  2. I
    Wanna get roasted too
  3. Nice like the date thingy
    Does it changes name colour aswell??
  4. New color dates pls ?
  5. I wonder how many pointless emails ata gets with people complaining about things they could've known if they had just READ THE DAMN POST.

  6. I see what you did their 
  7. I log in today and I didn't get a free ask out. HELP PLSSS
  8. ata usually gives 1 dn the weekend of events
  9. I got it after restarting my app.
  10. ?Because they don't love us
  11. what happens if have a relationship already can we use the token to ask the same one out or do not use it??
  12. No..?¿?¿ U don't need to re-ask the same person out
  13. Hm...what's the purpose off this game cash attack...earn cash...isn't it obviously that this game is about greed to earn cash?
  14. Lol, if it was about greed I'd just park my ass in some b2b for years and be just another one of the sheep...not everyone plays just to squeeze every last penny out of party 24/7 ;)
  15. I Din Get My Ask Out Yet :(
  16. Omg why is everyone asking this it says right on the announcement