
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RoseMilkTea, Apr 6, 2020.

  1. I'd buy a huge ass cross stitch piece that I wouldn't have the patience to stitch myself. For specifics, probably that one giant world map piece that if stitched on less than 28ct fabric can fill up an entire wall.
    RoseMilkTea likes this.
  2. Charity
    Muschi likes this.
  3. Look at you. Tryna be a philanthropist.
    bloodhoney, Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  4. As soon as I make my first million, I'ma go full Bill Gates mode.
    Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  5. Charity it nice but what's the first useless object or thing you would buy?
  6. Cutthroat businessman who’s apart of the problem but believes he isn’t cus he donates to the starving kids in Africa?
    Muschi and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  7. Cross stitches are cute, i can't imagine having the patience to do even a small one
  8. He eradicated Cholera, funds R&D for decentralized and sustainable sanitation options for rural areas, reported about the potential risks of a viral outbreak on humanity, and is trying to maximize the good he does with every dollar. He's done more than many charity organizations that you can donate to. He's the most philanthropic billionaire out there, even if he's still a billionaire.

    All you have to do is see what their foundation has funded and improved.

    Charity isn't a useless object anymore?

    Jks. I want a glow in the dark bar in my house with Uranium glass glasses. They're antiques that glow under bluelight. Probably the most expensive and useless thing I want.
    Muschi, WhoTfIsWesday and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  9. The process itself can be very relaxing and I personally like the sound of thread going through fabric. I have patience for it as long as I can see progress. Seriously though, kudos to those who work on several 5 or 10 year projects simultaneously and being actually able to finish them. That huge world map I was talking about.? Easily will take at least 20 years to make.
    Muschi likes this.
  10. I'd buy used diapers and recycle them.
    Muschi and RoseMilkTea like this.
  11. Now google what he’s done to create some of our worlds issues. :D I’m sure dickriding the billionaires will get you into their circle one day, Kefo
  12. I would probably want a nice tea set. It wouldn’t be that crazy, but I like the idea of sitting outside drinking oolong on a Sunday.

    also they can be thousands of dollars but like...
    bloodhoney and RoseMilkTea like this.
  13. He brought us Windows XP Tony. 😔
    Windows XP is one of the best things ever along with Mayo, hot sauce, chickens, kalashnikovs, wine, the wheel, and science.

    I blame him for the Xbox, too. But it can die without doing too much harm. It's not like a minefield that will kill a bunch of kids post-mortem.
    Muschi and RoseMilkTea like this.
  14. I had to google uranium glass, those are super cool. Would look dope in a blacklight bar too.

    My arthritic old lady hands could never 🤧 insaaane

    Ooo post a pic of one you want, i wanna see
  15. Funnily enough, most people think cross stitching is an old lady hobby 😏
    Muschi and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  16. I prefer knitting
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  17. I think it's super cute. I have a few friends who do some amazing "more current" designs 😂
  18. Buying something $500-$2,500 wouldn't put you in the 1% though 🧐

    But I'd probably buy the land/sea submarine.
    Or the new Jeep looking vehicle that transforms into a boat hybrid
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  19. Omigod I love tea sets. I used to get them every year as presents from my family but my dumb ass didn't know how much they were worth and didn't take care of them at all. I would totes get one, too. And fancy tea spoons. My grandma used to have a huge collection, they get v elaborate and decorative. I love them
  20. Haha yeah, i mean $2,500 would be chumps change to the 1% but thats my one little useless thing i would get.

    Jeep boat hybrid for when a car and a boat isn't enough, love it.

    One of the self driving cars from Westworld would be cool asf
    ltachi and Muschi like this.