Updated PIMD Statistic Sheet

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Tsch, Jul 1, 2019.

  1. nice job! very helpful!:)
    Tsch likes this.
  2. i was looking for a guide like this just the other day, so thank you!
    Tsch likes this.
  3. I’m glad to be of service! There were no up to date guides so I had to go and make my own haha. Hope you enjoy it! If you need help, shoot me a msg!
    Kaho likes this.
  4. yes, there are a lot of older guides that were very helpful at one point, but they’ve just unfortunately become outdated. it’s nice to see people taking the time to update things for everyone. this looks great and simple to use – thank you again! 💛
    Tsch likes this.
  5. What a great job you have done its very helpful u should be proud 💗
    Tsch likes this.
  6. Ah nice. It's like a complete guide for T1-11 and teaches some people some math so they can calculate their stats 😍
    So simple but so needed. Ty

    Choosing to only show the levels for t11 saves so much space but is the only important section anyway ^~^
    Tsch likes this.
  7. 1. Thank you so much for checking out my sheet!
    2. Yeah the T11 has everything due to the fact you should only upgrade your T11’s and not the other tiers, because it is a waste of money.
    3. Thank you again, so much ♥️ let me know if you have any questions
    Kaho likes this.
  8. Its actually not a waste of money anymore!
    Tsch likes this.
  9. Well I’ll be damned, I’m so proud! 😃 Your mathematics are perfect! Well done Tsch, I’m glad your guide was posted. 😁☃️💙
    Tsch likes this.
  10. Lol should we redo the whole thing? Haha jk. It would’ve taken up all the space. But thank you so much for providing the last bit of data. Partner in crime
    Kaho likes this.
  11. ooo thanks for the simple & helpful guide! I really needed this.
    Tsch likes this.
  12. To apply a critical eye: are the first 2 stats columns necessary?
    Str+ and int+ are all people usually go off of.

    So what could you replace those columns with? CS+ (str+ + int+) , or that stat gain from the last "recommended tier".

    The recommended pattern for upgrading is to go from 600m to 80b to 1T to 6.9T.

    This is really good as is, and these are the only improvements I can think of.
    Tsch likes this.
  13. The first two columns represent your increased strength and intelligence. Like for hitting parties. Pretty much shows the “energy” is applied or added. Hopefully this helps clarify some things
    Kaho likes this.
  14. I mean I have it all on standby ;)
    Tsch likes this.
  15. I guess there could be another column to it but idk
    Tsch likes this.
  16. We could add another column, but that’s for another day. I don’t wanna redo the whole thing haha
    Kaho likes this.
  17. Great job on the thread
    Tsch likes this.
  18. Ofc its a great job
    Tsch likes this.
  19. Lol play nice!
    Kaho likes this.
  20. Does it pay well too?
    Tsch likes this.