Updated Mod Guide 3.0

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Quality12, May 26, 2018.

  1. Updated ?
  2. see quality , you can always wall a mod to update
  3. mrsbyte was a mod , but not sure why they arent fixing it
  4. you could have taken ss and reported her rather than crying about it
  5. I'm not crying about it. Everyone who knew those two knew what was going on. Nobody did anything. I reported it and still nothing. Most of the time, screenshots are disregarded anyways
  6. updated Dan’s name on guide.
  7. You'll be doing that every week
  8. Isn't it OPs decision whether to update or edit thread... unless it breaks Tou?
    _-_Vegeta likes this.
  9. Quality said in this thread she wanted it updated tho
  10. Where?
    Didn't mean to attack...I was just curious..if op is fine with it... totally cool w-me hehe
  11. All I said was "pss I can't update it" I don't know whether that equals = I want it updated so ? But I have only asked one mod to update hence some tiny changes.
  12. why
  13. Kaho lost mod
  14. and I heard that Dan did too
  15. Also iniquitious lost mod
  16. Useless threads being useless
  17. All those names in retirement 😫👀