Re: Hit Range Adjustment (and how hit ranges work!) i wanna know why a 34mcs bloke was able to hit lil old me
Re: Hit Range Adjustment (and how hit ranges work!) going through the whole post again and i just feel like dang, my prayers been heard
Re: Hit Range Adjustment (and how hit ranges work!) Just ruin pvp entirely why don't you, at this rate just straight up disable pvp
Re: Hit Range Adjustment (and how hit ranges work!) Lol just waiting for all the griefers to come out and complain finally ata is doing something for those who wanna play fairly (or well as much as you can)
Re: Hit Range Adjustment (and how hit ranges work!) Honestly this is really frustrating. I used to be able to hit people so much higher than I can now and I did so successfully. Also all i want to do is fail farm gucci and y’all won’t let me do anything. It’s not like i’m out here farming 1mcs accounts until they cf. Just let me hit who i want to hit and let my misc be worth something again. This is getting sad and frustrating.
Re: Hit Range Adjustment (and how hit ranges work!) Another easy way to get to your bucket is [(log(BASE2))(sum)]=Bucket I think dont wuote me but yes
Re: Hit Range Adjustment (and how hit ranges work!) This is more complicated than my Calc 2 Homework ?
Re: Hit Range Adjustment (and how hit ranges work!) They will get DTW as soon as trying to hit? I have a lot to read I suppose