I agree! Sucks some admins will be able to start parties but not accept new members when party needs help and the higher admins are busy or asleep.
Maybe next instead of all this crap we don't ask for we'll actually get something that we've been begging for. Like you know, a new gifting system. ?
Should be optional so owners can choose if they want to waste their money on this rather than upgrade.
Ata u will lose players by this process, here lots of club's members barely making money to upgrade, now u guys making new rules, this is not gonna help us
Ata u r nt thinking about your players, u only thinking about how to get more and more money from players, but many players aren't rich, many aren't fool to invest money here,so anyway u will lose players soon, bcos new rules r boring nd useless, so think twice before u do something.