I wish you'd just forget all about this feature tbh, more I have thought about it the more I don't want it
And here I thought y'all might have been re-working the 'club role' thing for a solution that would be equitable, workable, usable and affordable for players of all ranking - in all types of club. If I didn't still hold a glimmer of hope that might be true, I might think you 'put Club Roles on the back burner' just to focus on rolling out features that (gasp! surprise! Not!) expand your revenue stream? Come on ATA - listen to your user base! Take a little time to discern solutions that work for everyone from free-play newb to $500-a-month 5-year 30mcs+ game veterans. I know you can do it. Will you? I guess I'll find that out 'Hopefully within the mouth'.
^ they give you 3 roles unlocked already. And the other roles aren't that pricey now. They listened to us, and slashed the prices down.
Is there an ETA yet? Tomorrow? A week? A month? "A few weeks is super broad and it's not really helpful. A reply would be appreciated.
I dont like this idea i have to pay to stay owner of my club? So im literally sitting here creating a club before i open ot weeks in advanced and fonding admins before i start it? And then this is coming too? Guess il just uninstal when this comes out because this is ridiculous. I barely have 12 b saved up.
if you read the older forum you would realise that the owner becomes the president automatically and the other tiers must be paid for. ?