Update to Upcoming Club Roles

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 26, 2016.

  1.  i believe you mean month? :lol:
  2. Are we going to have to wait another mouth?
  3. With all these new club roles, why couldn't we expand the number of members in each club to grow newer pimd players?
  4. Thanks for the first time in total there was a pleasure
  5. support

    and re-worked pro's with bars that newbs can hit without 'Loser!'
  6. Still a stupid and unnecessary change. It it isn't broke don't fix it. Dumbest move yet
  8. ^pic not showing..okay that was actually my biggest L
  9. Who pays the fee. The role member or owner?

  10. The club President, the Vice Presidents and the Executives can all purchase slots.
  11. Can't normal club members purchase them too?

  12. No, I just reread the original post about roles. No one below an Executive can purchase slots.
  13. Interesting, yes excellent (dexter voice)
  14. Allow executives the ability to kick members ffs

  15. Agreed
  16. When is this planned to take effect?!!
  18. You guys are making it like kingdow at war :)
  19. ATA pls make it less expensive so that newbies like me can join club easily to ug
  20. Just cause other people have to pay for slots it shouldn't effect your growth