Update to Upcoming Club Roles

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 26, 2016.

  1. Actually if you go by the post date on original thread, October 25,2016, it has been exactly one month which can still fall under "next few weeks" plus what we say doesn't matter
  2. I personally think the whole thing is going to crumble and fall apart leaving this game in the dust like the ATA game where you lead a village.

    However, for it to have even a shred of a chance,asI have been saying since the original announcement, there will need to be some form of Club Treasury. Either allow all club members to chip in, or have each completed party pay in a sum to the club's treasury fund.

    In truth though, I vote the whole idea be scrapped. Not that my opinion matters since I don't pay to play.
  3. Watch I'll be right
  4. *cough* Take a seat. I won't show you the same disrespect that you showed everyone else by calling them idiots but...
  5. Shabye idiot. They said more coming ?
  6. And you said Black Friday.
    We watched and you were wrong.
    Now hold the L lmao
  7. Didn't they say more coming soon? Shabye peasant 
  8. I think pro parties should pay more since it is a lot harder
  9. You just got served
  10. That's because they're too busy rping instead of partying.. Party more rp less duh
  11. ATA is there a set date for club roles?
  12. This is take to long yall had a mouth or long come on allready
  13. This is take to long yall had a mouth or long come on allready
  14. Is it the club owners who buy the roles or the members wanting a role who buy ?
  16. It wasn't an L shabye
  17. You're right! Sorry for the wait. We got pretty preoccupied with My Dorm and Stories, which put Club Roles on the back burner. However, they are still on their way. Hopefully within the mouth!
  18. So hopefully today?
  19. Ugh no never would b good
  20. "mouth" ?