[UPDATE] Summer VS Winter War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by iLobotomizeAndSmashThots, May 28, 2019.

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  1. Oohhh 24hrs ?
  2. #Feels
  3. Hahaha issokay bb, I'm happy to be with Snu too xF
  4. good call ):
  5. i'm blind or not in, one of them xD
  6. Lmao I love you
  7. I signed up before many ppl but still they have been selected unlike me :)
  8. Ily2 
  9. She is not in because she had many fail hits on me on the previews war ?
  10. I signed up very early and no one get back to me 
  11. Ima start beating on all the mods for messing this one up ?how could you forget tumblr
  12. Hmmm also not in
  13. I signed in a couple weeks ago, but I wasn't chosen, if you need someone for a last time replacement, could you invite me?
  14. Same lol. Probably they already full of our stats?
  15. I signed up for this war and asked to be winter side but wasn't placed on a team nor did I get an update about the war
  16. Sign me up please thank you
  17. there were other ways of signing up than the sign up thread, there was even a thread before that one. I don't think it went by just the order that was on the sign up thread
  18. I want to join on the summer side
  19. ?applied early and still didn't get picked, great job on the favoritism mods?
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