Heya! I registered within first 200 people to register on the first sign up thread yet my name isn’t on the list, why is it so?
no wow.. you guys atleast have a chance to win even if you guys end up on the losing side. With her as lead, you can surely keep your hopes high that oppo gets DQ
Calm your tiddies people. Maybe what should be done is... DO NOT REVEAL MOD CRATES WILL BE GIVEN OUT. See how many actually bothers to sign up and get mod to pop in to give those green gems to deserving team. No judgment no BS and no mopping of tea spillage needed. Good day to all and shush. Prep your ass for war or get out.
How is it that people signing 2 days after me is in Roster and not me? And when I said people I mean more than one obv, cuz they are like 15-20 in number