[UPDATE] Summer VS Winter War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by iLobotomizeAndSmashThots, May 28, 2019.

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  1. Woooow should have checked ? Now I can’t smack you around
  2. much excite wow ?
  3. Don’t ever say that again.
  4. Snowflakes..:/ couldn't be blizzard or avalanche or something badasser :(
  5. you still can, but in a diff way?
  6. I signed up at the start and I'm not on the list ?
  7. Looks like we're oppo hahaha
  8. Aw didn’t make it :(
  9. Same
  10. Only cool people can make it, which is why i don’t understand why @Day is in it?
  11. I signed up, winter team. Cant see my name.?
  12. This is why I don’t give you nice things.
  13. yes you have ?
  14. ?
  15. :sad: if you didn't see your name, we are sorry. We tried to get everyone in but we are only doing a 400 participant war. But please do not be disheartened. Those who didn't make, will be in the waiting list. We will contact you as soon as possible. Again, we apologize.
  16. It’s really great that so many people were interested ?
  17. Ew sez is on my team ?
  18. A lot of my friends are on the same team and I didn't even make the cut.. I cri ):
    good luck tho everyone
  19. I thought the same!
  20. You owe me an apology for that pun Quinn. Gave me heart palpitations :(
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