[Update] New Features

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 11, 2017.

  1. I tried to open up a furniture box and it deducted my ec's but it did not open up a box.
  2. Add cats and kinis to be tradale
  3. Damnnn ATA good job
  4. Hey Honey Bear! I see that you purchased an Amazing Furniture Key. That means that you now own an Amazing Furniture Key! However unlike other boxes in PimD, now when you have a key you can CHOOSE when to use it. All you have to do now is navigate to your Showcase and select an Amazing Furniture Box. Then tap Open!
  5. All the new features are just amazing thanks ATA ???
  7. ?I have Android,how unfair
  8. furnitures i want to trade are not visible.... we are not free to choose what we want to trade....some of my furnitures are not visible in trading...!!!! fix this...
  9. The new screen transformation( if that's what it is called) animation is cool too
  10. Does upgraded furnitures aren't tradable?
  11. AMAZING!!!!!!
  12. Only some Furniture is tradeable for the time being. Might change soon tho...

    For now this is correct. We don't display Furniture Level in Trading or Gifting on Android right now, so if we let you trade Trade/Gift upgraded Furniture scammers would have a field day.
  13. are we ever gonna unequip furnitures without needing another furniture to replace it??
  14. Well I love the new gift update!! Makes gifting so much easier  and trading!!? THANK YOU ATA!!?
  15. Don't know if this has already been asked, but if you recycle an upgraded piece of furniture do you get more materials back then if it wasn't upgraded?
  16. How Can I join a club when I can't see the information about the club
  17. So far so good  love this feature. Nice
  18. You can on iOS tho ?
  19. Yay. New update after all the bugs in ios. 
  20. I also have this glitch.