[Update] Gifting / Regen Changes

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. tht was the prblm u sloved thnxs a lot

  2. When ATA be like "performance improvements" and left out the background would change.
  3. When Forums is an update behind. :D
  4. Seems like android users are an entire update infront of iOS :(
  5. ️
  6. The gifting is kinda slow
  7. That's funny because I've played for 5 years and androids have almost always been left behind 

    So in all fairness iPhone users can suck my big black android 
  8. Lol I wish my dog knew how to do that
  9. ? thanks for this!!!
  10. What?? Cool!! Send gifts
  11. ??? ta
  12. This new update is complete crap. You guys still haven't fixed the bug where if we try to spam a gift we spam our other showcase gifts 
  13. Nice update 
  14. helped a lot, cause I'm a bad spammer :*P