[Update] Gifting / Regen Changes

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. Ata you really need to put gifts at the top and all the stuff we have at the bottom. The scrolling and scrolling thru items just to get to a gift is just ridiculous.
  2. Completely agree... I hate having to scroll through all of that to get to the new gifts... and if each time I gift it sends me back to the top it will still be annoying(haven't updated yet so idk)
  3. Mass gifting ?, gift name searching?
    How hard is that Bruce, let charlie help u
  4. Well done! This time it's really something useful to me. Finally can spam easily
  5. I absolutely dreaded gift sending. Good to know ata is doing something about it, hope to see more improvements (that we need) to come soon. Thanks๎€Ž
  6. Yayyy, less hassle when spamming hihi
  7. Nicely done! Better late than never i guess. ๎„
  8. What about that spam 100x button for gifts?
  9. Cant spam more than 3 gifts at a time now, as opposed to 6 to 10 before the update.
  10. i can still spam 12 lols
  11. I don't think spamming has got to do anything with updates. It just depends on how much lag you're facing and how fast you tap the send button.

    Fun fact: if you have tonnes of showcase items you tend to spam better vs when you don't have a lot of showcase items
  12. Oh cool, thanks alot. I'll try it again later. If it doesn't work, probably a device problem then.
  13. Cut regen to 30 mins plz thx
  14. Finally!! We been asking/ waiting for like 2 years for this... ๎‘ now I won't have to miss out on gifts...... saves a lot of trouble..
  15. Over 4 years ;) I know we were all begging the first Christmas pug hunt.

    Thank you ATA for finally doing something about it! New gifts at the top would be even better but not having to scroll every time is still very nice.