[UPDATE] Chat and Gift Changes

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 14, 2016.

  1. I don't see number of gift owned by person on gifting page. I'm on iOS.

    By the way these are good updates, I like them. ?
  2. Ata I cannot see the number of items owned by a person in their showcase! It shows "THEY OWN %@"
    Just please fix this pls ? It's so difficult to trade
  3. Nice updates
  4. i like the friends list displayed like it was before. followings and followers list each
  5. Update your hunts instead of just a new name/paint job on the same stale hunt...2 weeks for every hunt is getting old. Do shorter hunts, key hunts, something that gives players a sense of urgency to attain something.
  6. I didn't even get an update
  8. Finally figured how the friends list is arranged! it's arranged from newest friends(at the top) to oldest (at the bottom)
  9. Still no update for android
  10. Yup still no update for android
  11. There is nothing wrong with iPhones...
  12. Tbh.. These changes arent relevant to how the game is played. Its shifting to be like a chatting app instead.

  13. thought that was the case but I have new friends at the bottom
  14. Not true some people I've had in there for almost a year now aren't even close to the bottom ? yet the person who I met like 5 months ago is

  15. Well that's how mine is arranged
  16. Let's see what am happens I have been giving feedback for tuts chat change I hope you guys dif it
  18. So, will I be able to log back into my main using Facebook? You apes do some fricked up  before telling us (me).
  19. Pls don't posy pics of me. :'(