[UPDATE] Chat and Gift Changes

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 14, 2016.

  2. How about Notifications when you've been "@"
  3. My update evidently isn't working as I cannot use that @ thing in chat...
  4. can I deflower all your flowers? :)

  5. Is this meant to be some sort of personal privacy thing against scams or?
  6. Is it possible that it's just your phone?
  7. Android never got it :?
  9. It's a bug 0_0
  10. Why doesnt it show us how many of a specific item the other person has just shows symbols?
  11. That moment when you haven't checked forum and you already noticed some changes
  12. How exactly is one suppose to update Pimd on their kindle fire?
  13. There is an error when viewing someone else's showcase, you cannot see how many items they have.
  14. Yeah I was wondering that too but this was what Grant said..

  15. The new gifts at the bottom were good to begin with! Now they're in the middle since you put them at the top of the new gifts section! Also it would've been so much more helpful to have the regiftable items sorted as per their time instead of a big jumble!
  16. When will IOS be able to Spam?
  17. Support :(
  19. just get a good phone lel