[UPDATE] Chat and Gift Changes

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 14, 2016.

  1. new chat doesnt even notify you whats the point?+ no one uses full long ass ign in chat its creepy unless its a code 
  2. I actually like the new update!
    Thank you for listening to some of our requests ATA!
    Keep it up! ?
  3. Okay but what about gifting in multiples? ;-;
  4. It's called Having an Android smh
  5. Yes!
    Mass gifting and showing how many of each gift are in your locker while gifting need to come next!
  7. Is it available on Android yet?
  8. Why can't I see how many flowers other people have now?
  9. I have 10 flowers hbu
  10. Still no update for Android
  11. I have more than that, that doesn't answer my question though. ?
  12. This messed up my friend's list, it's all scrambled and not alphabetical anymore. ?It's so hard to find people now.
  13. That's why I don't have many friends. ?
  14. I have android and I got mine like an hour ago
  15. same. Someone thought it might be based on who you added last but that doesn't apply to my list. so idk what's the concept behind the new list order 
  17. And who talks in cc and wc like @Person'sName anyway? I hardly ever see that. It's like walking into a room where a conversation is taking place, you just join in. Do they even play their own game? Why not fix some of the bugs in this game. Other apps fix bugs, crashes, battery usage. ATA has ignored all of these problems with this app. Is it sad my phone goes to sleep before this game has a chance to load sometimes? And yes, support, my internet connection is working fine ?. Your game is slow and sometimes unplayable because it is so unreliable. These ads make my screen go black and crash. I have to uninstall/reinstall this app on a daily basis. I haven't been able to copy/paste from pm for over a year now, and all I get is a "we're working on it". Fix some of that stuff before adding more crap that wasn't even a problem in the first place. All that money that people spend on this game is going to your catering bill and company parties huh . Sick of it. No wonder loyal players keep leaving.

    End rant ?
  18. y'all so damn whiny jesus