[UPDATE] Chat and Gift Changes

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 14, 2016.

  1. Oh makes since
  2. What do u mean?
  3. "action menu" i thought it was a rp thingy :cry:
  4. :( still waiting for Android :'(((((
  5. Misspelling my bad
    I did update earlier today but it wasn't for this new update. Waiting for the update to be released on android...
  7. Keep typing letters and other names show up!
  8. When will android have it :?
  9. They really listen to player suggestion… good work ATA
  10. Too some time but yeaish
  11. Hmmm...i'm afraid to update
  12. On some gifts, you can't see how much of that item they own. I'm iOS ?

    What's the %@ supposed to mean? ?
  13. ^ If you read the previous pages you would know that they are already working on it
  14. Why did the friendslist change too? It looks weird :s
  15. So no mass gifting..?
  16. And how is the friend list arranged 
  17. Should have iOS be able to spam gifts too 
  18. Like, for me at least the people who are online doesn't show up first anymore, and it's not even alphabetical :|
  19. Exactly it's in this random ass order..I have someone whose ign starts with A all the way at the bottom ?
  20. Friends list is whack as previously stated above by other people. 