I liked the story concept at first, but y'all are making this harder and harder. Seriously, why can't you guys bump up drop rates on harder parties? You guys have done it before, so why not now? Not all clubs can afford to flash cats all the time.
Either way, we're gonna participate for the rewards because no one likes being left behind. Challenges aren't made to be easy ? I like this.
well to be fair, anyone who hits parties participates in the stories whether they want to or not, since they don't really ask to get drops
So basically if someone fails to complete one at some point then they won't get any more side stories for the rest of the whole story ? If I'm understanding that correctly
I try my best to do them but the higher the needs the people have the harder for me to satisfy them for my rewards
My company provides our customers with all information they request. That's providing our customers with great service & they appreciate the transparency. Also the US goverment provides info if you request it through the Freedom Of Information Act. I'm pretty sure their information is more important than your numbers. You know why I hate you ata? I've figured it out. Y'all are a bunch of west coast liberals. If players don't fit into the mould of the direction you want the game to go you string us along and laugh at us. Yo KANAME! How long has it been since ata promised that war update? You remember I'm sure, the one they teased us with whenever we voiced our opinions about party's taking over. The one they told us to hang in there for. Lmao I'm sorry that I trusted you ata. You lied to me over the course of years. Then you're gonna either #1. Not respond because you cant, I'm right & you know it. Or #2. Respond & deny deny deny because you know I can't post ss of YOUR emails here without being forum banned for breaking your TOU. Dear new players, this is the real ata. Shady shady people. Beware of them & their flat out lies.
PS only communist want everyone to be the same & do the same things. ATA=Communists but we're scared of Russia? We let ATA into our homes via our devices. What information do you gather from my phone ata? Can you answer that one comrads?
Well Einstein they participate because they are hitting party's. Not going to boycott party's but also not actively pursuing the story. I didn't chase these stories at all and still eneded up with almost 50k items. Other than Halbee, who really wants their main str avi to be wearing a safety helmet....? The stories are lame the avis are weak because you have to put so many out. I wish we could delete some to clean up the avi selection process. It's to watered down to create any excitement. (yawn)
@grant: do we have a confirmed start date/time for the next event/hunt? (I did see Matt post something to the effect of "tomorrow 6p EST," but he doesn't seem to have an official ATA tag and that's an awfully odd starting time.
TBH guys its pretty much clear we are not getting any war / PvP bassed events or something if you really thrive for that kinda thing I think it's best you start looking for PIMD alternatives already it's not going to happen . Or we can make new PIMD like game with Blackjack, PVP and Wars
Does reading the stories count as participating in them? I think the point is that these hunts are getting harder and harder for those of us who don't want to spend tons of money on this game. I enjoyed the times when hard work could still keep you competitive with other top players, and I think other older players miss that too, ATA.