it's my bed time like my schedule says. I'll smack ya tommorow to for now I'm gonna tally my hits
No need to get all defensive. I just asked a simple question that warranted a simple answer. I never said exactly who I was referring to as the farmee(yes I created that for you grammar police and what) and farmer. I just see all these farm wars where clubs are farming one individual. Anywho I figured this mess was over and done with months ago, but I guess some people don't move forward. Conflict resolution works if you try it.Enjoy you morning, afternoon, evening, or night.
Well he shouldn't have done what he did. Lets say your best friend is 80kcs. Like, your super best friend. And let's say.... Ummm.... Lets say you're friends with Mag, and Mag decides to start farming me (Just an Example) And I say to Mag "Well now I'm gonna farm SIMP's 80kcs best friend cuz you're farming me!" And i start farming your best friend. At the same time verbally harassing him/her. What's gonna happen? Are you and your friends just gonna be like "meh. Whatever " ? or would you get people (or yourself) to farm me back? That's the way I see it, anyway.
It WAS over. But he started farming her again because he was being farmed by someone else. And since he cant successfully hit anyone 400kcs and above, he started farming the girl (she was like 100kcs) even tho she had nothing to do with it.
Some people are so anal lol! You stuck around to correct me smack myself cause the face palming not me lol.....You your you're all a part of you
And me. farming me. The only person that stayed in TER when everyone else left. I got strip farmed for a long time because I refused to leave TER. I stood by him when noone else did. And he's farming me. At 120kcs. -Even though he promised never to treat me this way. It's okay though. I still am better than him. That's why I used my money to upgrade. So he could make a little more off me. And I'm not returning hits. Because I won't stoop so low as to attack my friend. —
Jopo Hun it's ok. You don't owe me an explanation about why you're doing what you're doing especially if you know what you're doing is right. Now if I'm farming someone and they start to farm my friend and my friend club, I'd stop because of my friendship. I wouldn't want my friend subjected to that. If I decide not to stop, to me that shows the lack of respect I have for my friend and others. Now if I'm just using that as an excuse, then my friend shouldn't be my friend anymore because I could careless about he and/or she. Unfortunately too many emotions become intertwined in a game. Some people live through the game so since they puny and weak in real, they use their strength here to get back at their real life enemies. What they fail to realize is that at the end of the day or night they are still that weakling. I support conflict resolution