Upcoming Feature - Club Roles!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 25, 2016.

  1. This is supposed to help clubs? Cuz it sounds like your going to kill them if admins can't afford the slots?
  2. Why tf copy the KaW Clan System:-| That is really bad just make a different club system for pimd instead of coping from KaW:-!
  3. The muting is gonn cause drama
  4. So they get rid of super pro parties so newbies feel equal then add this system ..... ok
  5. Right? What kind of crap is this?why do we have to pay now?
  6. We can just kick, instead of muting?
  7. #riparpeeclubs
  8. This will cause problem (muting) aka drama
  9. The cost is ridiculous, especially after adding T9
  10. Why should we have to pay for this bs now too? You realize that these smaller players you are always so worried about can't afford to do this and therefore their clubs are gonna close down. This is just stupid. I highly do not support this idea.
    Bring back super pros first!
  11. Those that are all ready admin will they lose there roles once this feature is brought out so only owner would be able to start parties to purchase?
  12. Um no, a lot of other roles can start parties too.
  13. yes
  14. If a person is causing enough drama that i feel the need to mute, I'd just kick them. Irrelevant feature
  15. ATA'S way of shutting down noob and rp clubs? ? This club roles idea is kind of interesting though ?
  16. Each club is given 1 Vice President and 1 Executive slot in addition to the President to start so there will be 3 members able to start parties right off the bat.
  17. Agreed. Completely unnecessary.
  18. Not really. Read the thread again. President, vice president and executive can start parties initially.
  19. Paying for Admins Spots is ridiculous?

    Is ATA trying to weed out the noob rp only clubs where the members never do anything but rp? ???? because 90% of those clubs won't be able to afford this. Some smaller players can't even afford a 10b ug... How are they supposed to afford a 500B VP Spot?
  20. Please tell me this is an optional feature and not mandatory