Upcoming Feature - Club Roles!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 25, 2016.

  1. And can you merc? And can the owner change owners? And if the owner comes back takes the owner role back from the person left in charge do they have to pay for their slot back? If you go to a new club do you lose your role and have to spend another ridiculous sum of money? WHO CAME UP WITH THIS?
  2. This is dumb af ??
  3. Devs be like... Let's do $1T T9 and 500B to be VP of some club cause we want your bank account dry.

    Thanks ATA.

    You guys suck.
  4. So u have to buy the slots ? Umm wow ??
  5. rubbish update

    This sucks
  6. I can see this as a helpful task to clean up the unnecessary items that haunt the clubs in pimd. But it can also be a hinder to clubs that are just starting or clubs rrebuilding and the owner doesn't have enough money to buy these slots to keep the club functioning 24/ 7. I guess with that being said let's play atas new plan out and hopefully it works well if not they make they necessary adjustments so all can continue to play.
  7. With this new update coming out I think the clubs should also have some kind of club bank like the previous player commented on but also it would be nice if the clubs make a portion or party winnings so that we can use those funds to open up new positions.
  8. Wouldnt it be better if everyone can buy new slots? Rather than just 3 ranks?

  9. ATA is doing these things to bring in as many rich players as possible and get rid all the poor players. ATA can't make enough money from them. THEIR GOLD DIGGERS.
  11. I feel like some will be clubless :? and go start troubling/ farming people :lol: that will be cool tho!
  12. It would kill small rp clubs for sure. The costs are not so affordable compared to KaW, since small-med stats player here get considerably lower payout ratio. Only major issue is the time zones. I don't think the positions and slots are enough or maybe it takes way too many numbers to be able to cover all time zones. Maybe just merge kicking+ party-initiating abilities into one. :S:

  14. 110% support ?
  15. Don't know if it has been mentioned, but seeing as the size of the club for example I'm in, the limit to having 9 fully controlling members is kind of a dumb idea. Why not create the roles, but allow clubs to unlock as many of those they need without having the 3 Vice president limit for example?
  16. Wait but why do we have to buy slots?
  17. What if someone emailing y'all jus vaisw they don't like a person and wanna take over their club u apes need to learn how to think about the con's instead of pros all the time