Unpopular Opinions

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jaidah, Jul 8, 2019.

  1. It's a purely self-serving act that harms a lot of other people. That is the definition of selfish.
    ltachi likes this.
  2. I agree with Wednesday in a way. I believe it's selfish if someone committs suicide because of things like financial problems and stuff, becauae they just pass those problems down to their loved ones/other people.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  3. Not just financial problems. The person ik who committed suicide left behind his 3 year old son who now has to grow up knowing his dad killed himself. I didn't even think toddlers could understand death but his kid was broken.

  4. Okay yeah I didn't think about that tbh
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  5. Opinion: 13 reasons why is not a bad show. Everything about it from the acting to the cinematography to the soundtrack is good. Mediocre at worst. People just love to bash it because everyone feels entitled to their own correct opinion when it comes to the ways in which mental illness is addressed and are not willing to understand why someone else would make decisions that do not replicate their own when it comes to coping w/ mental illness and what can/can't trigger it.
    Manic likes this.
  6. The book is way better 🤷🏻‍♀️
    WildBlueberry and Jaidah like this.
  7. Really? I actually found the show to be better, mainly in the case of the portrayal of Hannah and Clay. Katherine Langford and Dylan Minette bring an awkward and endearing approach to their characters that I felt the book could never capture. I could follow the story but never relate to the characters.
  8. Idc about the why. I found the show overly dramatic and Hannah's a self-absorbed cunt who killed herself and then blamed everyone for it. Is real stupid. I gave up on the show early on, it was boring.
    WildBlueberry and Victoria like this.
  9. Lol a chick who got raped is a self-absorbed cunt? Pls stop talking out of your ass
    Muschi likes this.
  10. What does that have to do with her literally blaming everyone for her killing herself? Getting raped does not suddenly turn her into a flawless human being
    Jaidah likes this.
  11. no it's not. If your feelings are hurt dont blame the dead person who had ended their life for a reason.
  12. like I said they did it for a reason therefore their problems are over
  13. book is better moving on
    Muschi likes this.
  14. Books r better 100% of the time
    WildBlueberry and Muschi like this.
  15. I wasn't even really a fan of the book itself because I felt that it sort of glorified or romanticized suicide and self harm (even unintentionally), but it was a whole lot better than the TV show is. 😬
    WildBlueberry likes this.
  16. I have never lost anybody I cared about to suicide. I will continue to blame and judge people who kill themselves for being weak and selfish.
    Victoria likes this.
  17. [​IMG]

    ... a n y w a y s ...

    the beatles suck. you can't change my mind.
  18. As someone who has previously self harmed,I agree with this 100%. Whether or not another person does this to themselves and for whatever reason is somewhat irrelevant. If you're willing to try to kill yourself you should be willing to come to terms with the fact that it is an entirely selfish act.

    Having said that, I think it's a little unfair for you to have such a biased opinion of Hannah's character if you aren't willing to view the series in its entirety. Personally, while it's obviously done for the sake of sensationalism and shock value, I do not blame her for her actions. High schoolers are shitty people who do shitty things. If anything, 13RW does a very mild job of capturing what it's actually like to be in that stage of your life. I'd say HBO's Euphoria better captures just how depraved high school life is. And yes, it is played off for effect, but I think sending out the tapes was fair, given the circumstances that brought them to fruition. Granted, that may just be because the perspective I choose to view this from is not she needs to blame the people who killed her for what they did, but is that those assholes need to see that they're assholes. That's pretty much my take on it.
    Muschi likes this.
  19. As a whole, fair. But...

    I wanna hold your hand

    Come on.
  20. Fair enough. Aside from what I did see, I got my impression from people who are fans of the show (and quite suicidal) so the main reason the behaviour bothers me is that people who like to glorify suicide think it's acceptable for them to act like that, too. So less the show and more some of the fanbase that is turning me away. But I still genuinely never liked the show, I'm not big on high school dramas except riverdale